A fita obtida na etapa de cardagem é refinada ainda mais durante o penteado. Nesta fase, as fibras curtas, também conhecidas como strip de penteadeira, são removidas – juntamente com neps, impurezas e outras inconsistências da fita, para garantir a produção de fios mais limpos, mais fortes e melhores. As latas de penteadeiras personalizadas são essenciais para manter a eficiência desse processo.

Objectives Of The Combing Stage

Removal of short fibers
Removal of short fibers (predetermined quantity).
Removal of short fibers predetermined quantity
Removal of remaining impurities.
Removal of neps and slubs
Removal of neps and slubs.
Straightening and parallelization of the long fibers
Straightening and parallelisation of the long fibers.
Straightening and parallelisation of the long fibers
Formation of slivers with maximum evenness
Staple length improvement
Staple length improvement & raw material fineness maintenance through elimination of short fibres.
Use Of Comber Cans
Specialised comber cans from Jumac ensure the production of clean, fine count yarns by improving the uniformity of fibre length, reducing hairiness and neps percentage, and minimising sliver wastage. Through careful material handling, yarn strength is also boosted.

Our comber cans are used to ensure:

Rieter Comber Machines
Use Of Comber Cans
Specialised comber cans from Jumac ensure the production of clean, fine count yarns by improving the uniformity of fibre length, reducing hairiness and neps percentage, and minimising sliver wastage. Through careful material handling, yarn strength is also boosted.

Our comber cans are used to ensure:

Por que escolher latas Jumac em penteadeiras?

Low ground clearance springs
Molas de baixa distância ao solo

para minimizar o acúmulo de fibras

e inclinação

PPCP ABS and GP material
Material PPCP, ABS e GP

com acabamento antiderrapante

para evitar o desperdício de fita

Efficient material handling
Manuseio eficiente de materiais

para emendas menores &

Inconsistências de fita

High spring load
Alta carga de mola

para uniformidade ideal

e remoção de fibras curtas

Garantia de desempenho superior

e durabilidade que proporcionam

Ótimo custo-benefício

Produtividade e payback

maximização através de

manuseio uniforme de materiais

Molas tipo caixa estão disponíveis para latas com menos de 24 polegadas de diâmetro. Para latas maiores são usadas molas pantográficas. A Jumac fornece molas para usar em várias fibras, desde 100% algodão (cardado e penteado) e mesclas.

Compatibilidade com todos os fabricantes originais

Combing Cans manufactured by Jumac come with full compatibility with all the leading combing machinery OEM brands and models. Irrespective of what the machine setup at your mill might be, we have you covered.

Trutzschler Logo
Saurer logo
Rieter Logo
Marzoli Logo
LMW logo

Tamanhos de latas disponíveis

Para garantir um manuseio suave da fita nesta fase, oferecemos latas de penteadeira personalizadas de vários diâmetros e alturas.

Latas para Penteadeira Diâmetro (mm) x Altura (mm)
1200 x 1500
1200 x 1200
1000 x 1200
600 x 1200
Combing, a key stage in overall textile spinning, follows the blow room and the carding stages. The draw framing and roving stages take place after combing.
Apart from minimising the nep percentage and increasing yarn lustre, the combing stage also eliminates short fibres that are not suitable for spinning. Hairiness levels are lowered too, to optimise yarn quality & evenness.
With the help of ergonomically designed comber cans, the volume of sliver pieciengs and neps can be minimised. The spinning cans help in bolstering yarn strength and smoothness too.
Sliver wastage is a common problem that mills face at the combing stage in particular. Presence of neps and other sliver inconsistencies can also be a factor. With expert material handling through the use of high-quality combing cans, these problems can be done away with.
If tilting happens, the can will wobble while running in the coiler. This causes coil damages and sliver entanglements, and can also increase the U% and CVm of the sliver
With improper spring load, the sliver breakages at the creel zone of finisher draw frame increases, as the fiber-to-fiber cohesion is less in combed sliver. This leads to efficiency losses, and hence, affects the performance of the machine.
Made with virgin HDPE sheets and fitted with quality-assured standard accessories, the combing cans from Jumac add greater reliability and efficiency to the combing process. The original sliver parameters are maintained, there are minimal deflections, and the quality of output is maximised.